assessment tool

Partnership Assessment Tool

Partnership Self-Assessment This Partnership self-assessment is a tool partners can use to help them see the strengths and weaknesses of the collaboration. This can help identify what has to change for the partnership to be successful. It measures what is referred to as partnership synergy which means compatibility. It is important to answer each question…


Knowledge Translation

The concept of Knowledge Translation is sometimes referred to as KT. It is complex and has plenty of layers to explore. It is the understanding of various factors that determines the interaction between influence and mechanics. Perceptions, education, cultural background, and other variables play a huge role in how a person perceives the world around…

health research

Principles Global Health Research

Cultural Humility Community engagement is vital for cultural humility to take place. The commitment from those in the healthcare fields to offer partnerships everyone in that community can benefit from is important. There are challenges within the diverse cultures and languages that have to be addressed. Otherwise, mistakes and miscommunication can get in the way…

indigenous health

Global Indigenous Health

The Canadian Constitution determines how the health care system in Canada operates. There are divisions in place among the territorial, provincial, and federal governments. This means different priorities for health care and different budgets to adhere to for services. Under the Canada Health Act, there are federal standards in place to oversee programs and spending…